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How understanding your core values, adds value!

I feel like the term core values is thrown around like the concept of knowing we need air to breathe. We know we need it for our wellbeing, but do we think about it often, do we enquire about the mechanics or the whys? To be honest, I didn’t think about my core values for a while and ended up in a similar position to my clients, feeling lost and confused with burnout tailing behind.

But now I know, when starting to move forward, we start at the beginning and we start with our core values, what are they?

When I enquire with my clients, I'm often met with the same response; “Oh yes, I sort of know what those are, I did a random test online a couple years ago. I think one of them is community or something like that, but not really sure of the relevance?”

Like I said, simply breathing – I see the importance, but do I need to understand more…

Yes, you do!

The importance of our core values can be broken down into a couple points:

It helps you to understand yourself better

Figuring out what is important to you is a powerful way to get to know yourself better. Understanding your core values, helps you to discover what resonates with you and what doesn’t. Ultimately, giving you more insight into who you are as a person.

Gives you a base to set goals and make plans

Once you understand what your core values are, you understand more about what drives you and what you want to work towards. This will help you to prioritise and look at the bigger picture when setting goals.

Guides decision making and moving forward when feeling stuck

Making decisions can be hard, especially when influenced by pressure from work, family or friends. Understanding what your core values are is like taking the short cut within the decision-making process. If the final decision doesn’t align with your core values - is it even an option?

Knowing your core values can help make you feel more balanced

When your actions line up with what you value, you start to feel more balanced in life. Knowing what is important to you and why it’s important is a gamechanger in aligning to your purpose and mental wellbeing.

Can core values change?

Yes, they can, in the same way as your goals and ambitions change. We are constantly taking in new information and experiences, forever evolving, learning and growing in all areas of our lives. This will have an effect on what we value and who we are.

Additionally, what I found important as a young adult will be different to what I enjoy as a 37-year-old woman. That is okay and something we should actually embrace. Accepting where you are now, makes it easier to live in alignment with your core values.

Notably, everyone has their own values, experiences and priorities. The output will look different and should also change with time, but the template used should be the same. The template that we should all follow is an understanding of our own core values and that we are actively pursuing and incorporating them as part of our daily lives.

Core values create self-awareness and help with aligning to ourselves, which is invaluable. I encourage you to be a little curious...

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